

Sep 13

Big Jims day out on High Street….. 07/2013

Distance 13.7 km Total ascent 946 m

Distance 13.7 km
Total ascent 946 m

It was early July 2013, the weather was set fair and my mate Jim and me were at a loose end, so we decided on a day out in the Lakes. Well, it was more my decision than his, but he agreed to come anyway as long as it wasn’t too strenuous as he wasn’t the fittest he’d ever been in his life. I chose this route as I didn’t think he would have any problems doing it and once we got to the top it would be mainly ridge walking along High street.


Kirkstone pass

We arrived at the car park at Cow bridge near Hartsop after stopping for a while at the top of Kirkstone pass to take in the views, Jim was impressed!!! After getting ourselves sorted, we got our bearings and set off back up the A592 for about 2km until we started the climb up Caudale moor.


Jim taking control with Hatsop dodd in the background


Rest assured folks, he was only adjusting his belt......

Rest assured folks, he was only adjusting his belt……


A view of Dove crag from the A592

Pastures beck

Pasture beck

After stretching our legs on the road we eventually found the path to start the climb up caudale moor, and what a steep one it was too! Jim loved it, having to stop every 20 yards for a rest and a cry!

The climb up to Caudale head (it was as steep as it looks)

The climb up to Caudale head (it was as steep as it looks)

Despite the time it was taking and the pain he was enduring, I’m sure deep down Jim was secretly enjoying it. When he could speak without breaking down, he did say the views were superb…..


Brothers water in the background

After we arrived at the disused mine, we worked out we wouldn’t have enough water for the day and it was up to me to replenish our supplies from the Caudale beck at the bottom of a steep gulley…. The things I do to stop a grown man from crying!!!!


More water required


Entrance to a disused mine on Caudale moor

After the mines, it wasn’t long before it started to level out and the walking became easier and my walking partner started to perk up a bit.


Jim loving it !!!!!

It took about 2 hours to reach the top of caudale head which wasn’t bad considering all the stops and motivational speeches I had to make.


He’s happy now he’s at the top


Caudale head

It was decided that this fine achievement should be marked by yet another rest and a sandwich…. Lunch done we then headed East and the short trek to Stoney cove pike.


Summit of Stoney cove pike. 763m



Lake Windermere in the background

Its amazing how someone’s spirits can improve when they think all the climbing is done. All this gaiety would change when he saw where we were heading….


He’d lost 3 stone getting to the top and he couldn’t keep his strides up….


Me, spoiling the view…..

We had a steep drop into Threshthwaite mouth and then another steep climb up to Thornthwaite beacon. Cue lots of whining…..


The drop to Threshthwite mouth and the path up to Thornthwaite beacon


Thornthwaite beacon

It was tricky getting to the bottom of the hill but the views either side were fantastic.


Looking down to Threshthwite cove



A steep descent before a steep climb


Windermere in the distance

The old saying “what goes down, must go up”, or something like that, was very appropriate, as we had one more climb for the day, up to Thornthwaite beacon. As you can see, Jim relished the challenge and after about 20 minutes we had completed the last climb of the day.


Apparently its not as easy as I had promised….



Thornthwaite beacon


Thornthwaite beacon. 784m

Once we arrived at the beacon, we had the obligatory photos and a brief rest. We could also see the rest of the route we were to take, which gave Jim the reassurance that it was flatish and downhill all the way back to the car.


On High street

I have to admit, much to my disappointment, that we never found the Trig column that marks the highest point on the walk. To be honest I didn’t realize there was one….. I shall have to visit it at some other point.



After walking North on the straight of Riggindale we arrived at The Knott, and I had to make a quick dash to the top for my photo taking….


The knott. 739m


Looking back at our route

After leaving The Knott, we turned West and in our excitement and we missed the path that would lead us to the track to take us back to Hartsop. We had reached satura crag (extended route marked in red on the route map) before we realized our mistake. This left us with 2 choices, retrace our steps back to the correct path, or head straight down the very steep slope towards the track. Scrambling down the hill was our preferred option.


Taken from Satura crag and realizing we had missed our turnoff…


After a tricky walk across to the path, more water was needed…

After a strenuous scramble, we crossed Hayeswater gill and eventually reached the track. With hindsight, the 1st option would have been better. From here it was a gentle stroll towards Hartsop.


The path that would lead us back to Hartsop


Looking back


A sheep standing on a wall !!!!


Hartsop Dodd in the background


Hatsop livestock market


Walk completed….

Once we got back to the car, it was a quick change and then a pint in the Brotherswater Inn up the road. We both agreed that apart from the start it was a great days walking, great company and a lot of laughs. If I was to do this again I probably wouldn’t start from the same place as it was a grueling climb to start with. Jim has since promised he enjoyed it so much, he will join a gym and will be a lot fitter next time he comes with me. I doubt this will happen but it was a nice thought anyway….



  1. james

    Excellent Paul…… Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover as once said by mark twain….. the same could have been said by Paul Kenny pleasure to know you pal…………

  2. paul

    I’m glad you enjoyed it Big fella. Don’t forget same again in 10 months time….

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