About me

Hi, my name is Paul Kenny. I am 44  and live in Huddersfield in West Yorkshire. I have always been active in my life, and have had a bash at most activities, football being the one I thought I was ok at, although my team mates would probably tell you otherwise. After finishing playing at the tender age of 40, i found myself at a loose end at weekends. Shopping with the my wife didn’t appeal too much, so i started refereeing and also began to go on walks.

My passion for walking really started when I decided to set off on my own and tackle Helvellyn, for no other reason than I had seen it on the Tv the week before. It was almost my 1st and last trip to the lakes as I was ill equipped and the conditions were poor to say the least. Needless to say I got lost and ended up a long way from where I should have been and had to climb the thing again just to get back to my car in Glenridding (23 km in total).Not the best start to my new hobby, but, after a couple of days to recover and reflect on the days events, I found myself looking back fondly at the beautiful, spectacular scenery and the adventure of it all. I was hooked, and have been back many times since.

In this blog, I will attempt to talk you through my walks in the Lakes as well as The Yorkshire Dales and The Peak district. I am not a great writer and i won’t be waxing lyrical about everything i felt and saw on my walks and, there will probably be mistakes when I try and name hills and paths on my pictures. I hope you find my blog useful if you are planning your own walks and feel free to comment and put me right on any inaccuracies you see on here… I look forward to hearing from you

1 comment

  1. your fabulous sister tracey

    not bad chuck!…look forward to seeing and hearing more..x

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