

Feb 18

Old man of Coniston 2012


Route distance 11.9 km
Total ascent 1110 m


It was early May and i had a spare weekend, so i decided on a trip to the lakes. i’d asked around , but had no takers for this one, so it was me on my own. I quite like walking on my own, as you can go at your own pace without having to think if your companions are lagging behind or wanting a break, or even cursing them for blazing too fast a pace. It was Saturday and the weather was glorious, i was expecting it to be busy.  I try and visit the Lakes during the week on my days off from work, just because it doesn’t get as busy on the hills. As i have said in one of my previous walks, i prefer to have the hills and valleys to my self when i’m there.

A fine welcome

I parked up in a small car park in Coniston and after nearly fainting at the prices to park there i set off. I’d never seen a parking meter that took credit cards before!!!!!

After a brief walk up and out of the village, it wasn’t long before the hills were showing themselves.

Footbridge over Church beck

I couldn’t believe my luck at this point, beautiful sunshine and i hadn’t seen a soul. Perhaps everyone has gone shopping instead!!!

Foul scrow

After crossing some fields i walked round round the base of Foul scrow, still noone to be seen. There must be a fantastic sale on somewhere!

Looking back through the haze at Coniston

Looking back i could see that i had been climbing, but it i certainly didn’t feel like i had.

The Coniston fells in the distance

As i walked round Foul scrow the Coniston fells and the disused mines appeared before me, it was a fantastic view. I knew it was going to be a good walk, it was getting quite warm too.

A host of golden daffodils

The last flat part of the walk for a long time!

The easy bit was over, it was time to start climbing, and dodging PEOPLE!!!!! Where did they come from?

Some of the old mine buildings. A great view in the summer but i bet it was bleak in the winter.

The walk up from the valley floor was a drag, it was very hot now and i was regretting not putting my shorts on. It was also very busy and as the there was only one path up, i was getting stuck behind endless walking parties who were more intent on talking about the walk as apposed to doing it. I decided to take a break by the old mine buildings and get away from them for a bit while taking in the breathtaking views.

A view of the Old man

A view of another old man! A bit of a sweat on now

Low water

Posing on the rocks

It was tme for a break at Low water, which was a perfect  place to have one. I was also a little concerned about how much water i had left. I had drunk most of it and i hadn’t got to the top yet and still had plenty of walking to do.

Looking back on the final ascent

Looking up to the top from the tarn i could see it was a steep winding path, but there was nothing else I could do but get on with it. As i got higher the views were superb and i soon forgot how hard this final bit was.

1st sight of the top

Getting to the top was a welcome relief, that was a hard slog in those conditions. While i was at the top i was sure i heard my name mentioned but dismissed it and put it down to exhaustion and me imagining it. About 6 months later i found out that a mate of mine was amongst the group of lads to the left of the picture. He must have thought i was a right ignorant git.

After lunch it was time to move off and i had a choice to make as to whch route i was going to follow. I could head west towards Dow Crag and Buck pike and head back via the Walna scar road, or carry straight on and head for Wetherlam. Wetherlam won the day, mainly because it looked like the easier route.


Looking back at the winding road up to the Old man


The road ahead


Looking back at the top of the Old man

The path coming down from the Old man was a great walk which gave you great views of the way up.


Looking down the valley which i had walked up earlier.


Looking towards Swirl How


Seathwaite tarn


Swirl How

This stretch of the walk was superb, giving me stunning views on either side of the path. After a final small climb i reached the top of Swirl How.


Swirl How summit 802 m

After a short pause, it was time to head for my next target, Wetherlam, which i could see from the top of Swirl How was going to involve a steep decent down Prison Band and a climb back up the other side.


Looking down the Prison band towards Black Sails and Wetherlam beyond

Descending Prison band was pretty tough going on the old knees and you had to take good care where you placed your feet. I can imagine it being pretty slippy in the wet.


From the bottom of Prison band, a view of the Old man.

Having reached the bottom of Prison band, i was now faced with the final climb of the day towards Wetherlam.


Looking at Black Sails

The final climb wasn’t as bad as i feared, probably because i knew it was the last of the day. I skirted round black sails and shortly after the top of Wetherlam was in sight.


Wetherlam 763 m

Unfortunately by the time i reached the top, the couple in the picture had gone and i couldn’t have my picture taken by the cairn. Still, it meant i had the top to myself and could have a final drink while taking in the spectacular views.


looking over to the route i had taken

The walk down to Coniston was very enjoyable, hardly anyone was on this path and i spent most of the descent thinking about what a great day i’ve had, although i was a tad weary.


Hen crag and a couple of small tarns


Circle almost complete


One of the small but beautiful waterfalls


I love a good sheep photo !


Coniston and back to civilisation

I arrived back in Coniston feeling tired but exhilarated at the same time. It was the 1st time i had been to the Lakes in these conditions (i didn’t realise it got this warm here to be honest), and i loved it. The views everywhere were spectacular, and apart from it being too busy in places for my liking, i would recommend this walk too anyone. It did teach me yet another lesson though, and that is to carry more liquid with you on hot days like this as you get through your water very quickly and i had to ration mine by the time i had reached the top of the old man.






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