Since 1996, a new partner and two girls (currently 8 and 11) have come along, plus a fairly serious addiction to scuba diving and boating. Amidst all of this watery stuff, I’ve also dragged the family on several camping trips (of the duvets and kitchen sink variety), and on a fair few weekend trips to various YHAs. We’ve even managed to start bagging a few Wainwrights together. (By the way, if you ever see young kids doing well on a big hill, please do give them some praise; it seems to motivate them far more than any encouragement you can give as parents).
A couple of our more recent family trips were to the Borrowdale and Ennerdale YH’s – you can see where this is going can’t you? – yes the CtoC itch was once again getting a very firm scratching.
The final nails in the coffin were that a) I trained for and ran the Northumberland Coastal Run (approx half marathon) in July 2012, so I’m fitter than I’ve been for years, b) I spent a large chunk of 2012 supporting someone else’s adventure (read all about it at and in doing so realised I wanted my own challenge, and c) I often spoil hobbies by getting in too deep – the fun to faff (and expense) ratio always seems to end up going the wrong way. So, for 2013, the family theme will be ‘back to basics’, and a rather selfish part of that will be my third attempt at the CtoC. In fact exploring the tricky domestic issues probably deserves its own separate discussion, but I’ll save that for another post.
Hi Neil,
Great to come across your blog and learn of your CtoC plans. Did it many years ago, in the days when it could be YHostelled in its entirety (bar one or two nights in the east); maybe it still can be. We went relatively lightweight and the camera was one of the casualties, unfortunately. Hope you’re keeping well (other than the blisters!).
All the best,
Thanks v much John, and if you’ve seen my kit list you might have spotted the odd bit of clothing which you have previously written about and recommended! I have a horrible feeling I was still at school when I did my last *successfull* challenging walk – I completed the Calderdale Way in <24 hrs with Botman if you remember him!
Hello Neil, just looked at your Detailed Itinerary and hoped to meet you somewhere on the route.
But mine is on a slower pace ( to get the extra time to do the high levels. ) but starts about 11 days earlier.
Wel at least you can look in the book at the bay hotel to see if my name is there and i think at one point you get a free beer, ( i will make sure of that )