Divorce in 1995 left the way open to have another attempt at the walk, now indeed solo, but again I think over nine days, which was duly planned for May 1996.
Full redemption from the previous failure required me to once again carry full camping gear, although by this time I’d moved onto an altogether more lightweight Vango Micro 2 tent. I also remember that tent well, because my kids now use it as a garden play thing!
I vaguely remember that I quietly labelled myself as the ‘anti-walker’, because I walked in just trainers (no boots) and occasionally also wore jeans. Neither of which actually caused me any problems, in fact I was delighted with the trainers. Despite carrying full gear I always found accommodation: a pub in St Bees (where two locals were fighting); Ennerdale YH (one guy snored horrendously); Grasmere Thorney How YH (now an Independent); Patterdale YH (way too many youths!); a B&B in Orton (bliss); Kirkby Stephen YH (also now an Independent) and finally a B&B in Reeth.
However it all went wrong on that final descent into Reeth – something broke down in my left knee, and in the end I struggled to even make it into the village. One key memory was asking the B&B lady where to catch a bus to Richmond. Despite being only breakfast time, it was a case of “oh, sorry, you’ve already missed today’s bus”. She then took pity on me, and kindly drove me there herself. It took about two full weeks before I could walk down stairs properly.