The real motivation for my planned 2013 walk, I’m almost ashamed to say, is built on two previous failed attempts. Unfortunately I’ve got no photographs from either.
The first attempt was made in my single days, probably in 1988, with three male friends. Yes that’s you, Nick, Craig and Pete, should you ever stumble across this Blog. We were carrying full camping gear, including Vango Force Ten tents (it’s funny how certain things stay with you) borrowed from the local Air Training Corps, one between two. I recall that, even at 44 lbs, my own rucksack was probably the lightest. I also have a fairly strong recollection that I did most of the planning, and so fortunately I still have the two rare OS strip maps. Our CtoC attempt followed several long training weekends in the Lakes, each covering fair distances and/or ascents whilst also carrying camping gear. These all went pretty well, although the scramble up Jack’s Rake with a heavy pack in a thick mist isn’t something I’d rush to repeat. We were all fairly fit and in our early twenties – in fact Craig and Pete were gym monsters – it was going to be a nine day doddle!
Despite this, our supposedly epic adventure failed miserably half way through Day Two! We made it to Ennerdale on Day One – I think we camped at the YHA, although it seems to have changed name since then (and, based on Wainwright’s original drawings, possibly also buildings?). But the damage had already been done. The simple difference was that Day One saw us on more tarmac roads than we’d been used to – throw in some unusually hot weather and of course the blisters duly arrived. Pete suffered particularly badly, but Craig wasn’t far behind. And so, after several lengthy stops to add more plasters, we gave up completely at Rosthwaite (Borrowdale). I shall always remember Pete saying “it would have just been an unpleasant slog anyhow”, and “what was the point in that”. I couldn’t have disagreed more. I still regret that Nick and myself (Nick later became my best man) didn’t carry on as a two; instead we honoured the ‘all for one and one for all’ rule. That day was also the first and only time I’ve ever hitch-hiked; it went well and we were all home in Preston by tea time.
Needless to say that failure really bugged me, although an intervening marriage (and an ability to afford decent foreign hols!) put any second attempt firmly on the back burner. But one decision had already been made: any future attempt would be solo!
I realy understand that this failure stil follows you around.
Young and fit and giving up on day 2 – Knowing that deep inside you, you would crawl to RHB if needed.
I am sure that this time (2013) you will make it. just keep a steady pass not to fast take loads of pictures and make loads of walking friends on your way.
( and bring trekking poles ) ( life safers and not kidding they will be wurth every penny)