Archive for the ‘The CtoC’ Category

CtoC Day 7

Posted on April 25th, 2013 by Neil

Today was Kirkby Stephen to Keld. And yet another day where the predominant weather was endless light rain, perhaps with even more mist. Although of course the rain stopped once agin just a few minutes before arriving. So I’m back in Keld Lodge, which looks like it’s bursting with Coasters tonight, most of whom I’d […]

CtoC Day 6

Posted on April 24th, 2013 by Neil

Today was Shap to Kirkby Stephen. Breakfast was taken at 08:00 whilst watching waves of rain sweeping across the windows, so it became another day where wet weather gear was donned from the outset. I finally got off at just after 08:30. The rain was actually fairly light, but still incessant and wet! When it’s […]

CtoC Day 4

Posted on April 23rd, 2013 by Neil

It’s hard to believe it’s day 4 already, time is whizzing by! Thanks to all for the comments – I only worked out last night how to view them on my phone, so it was a nice surprise to find a few waiting for me. And for the record the bottled  Cumberland beer is from […]

CtoC Day 3

Posted on April 21st, 2013 by Neil

A tough day today – which tested most things with perhaps the honourable exception of my motivation! The stff wind could be heard even from our bunk-beds, and the rain started about 10 mins after my leaving at 08:25. It didn’t then stop all day. My Paramo coat leaked like a sieve, and my all […]

CtoC Day 2

Posted on April 21st, 2013 by Neil

The Parkside Hotel is not a place for fussy individuals – nor is it somewhere to take your missus for a special treat – the bedroom I was in was definitely in need of some redecoration. And that was an upgrade! Despite my booking clearly being in his diary the chap (John?) didn’t seem to […]