Today’s word is “squelch” sponsored by Yorkshire, mike fell asleep as soon a lights were out, but it was after 1:30am before I got to sleep, as Friday night in K.S seems to consist of accelerating up and down the high street. I was then woken before 5, by the cheering of lots of birds on the roof. The sound they made was unusual and I started to wonder if these were the flock of parrots mentioned in the guide book! After a while I started to fantasise about having a Flamethrower and roasting those avian pests. I then realised I had ear plugs and after fitting those I got an hours sleep.
Breakfast was horrible so mike ended up with a sausage roll from the local store, and we were glad to leave the damp hostel. We climbed past a large quarry,
We Carried on past a farm that had lama (that reminds me on day 1 we also saw a farm near t bees with emu) you see diversification is the way to make profits in farming.
We passed a sign that told us we were at the half way point of c2c and we then rested at a unique chair, as there was no charge for this we deduced that we were still in Cumbria!
We then climbed up to standards rig which is quite spectacular
We then dropped down to the Yorkshire boarder an having bought the obligatory flat cap and ferret, we proceeded into Yorkshire, as a welcome the heavens opened and the mud was up to our shins, thankfully mikes new gators were in north Wales, so came in very usefu!! We proceeded down the hill through more bog an had lunch in a sheep fold, at home for a welsh mike! The farmer had welcoming put a fence around it but that didn’t stop us and to make it more pleasant it started to rain. We squelched down the rest of the valley to raven seat farm for a hot drink and a home made scone.
We then squelched down whitsundale and saw abounded buildings every hundred meters.
The rain kept teasing us by commencing and then stopping once we had donned our water proofs. We arrived at the road and visited Wain Wath Force
We then arrived at Kelso lodge for a recuperative drink before we are picked up.
Wee Count;3 Total 29
No Gaitors at home!! I think you may have tucked them away in your bags somewhere, I know you say you have checked your bags but look again!!!!
Before long it will be odd to see dairy cows in the farmers fields!!!
Hope you get a better’s night sleep tonight, did not think the noise would bother you since you tell me I snore evry night!!! Only 93 miles to go. xx