Boscastle to Port Isaac. Day 12

We had our breakfast in the Riverside Hotel watching the rain beat down and discussing the start time and the types of wet weather gear to be used or carried. As we got ready to leave, the rain stopped and the sky brightened so the first few miles was dry as climbed out of Boscastle and made our way to Tintagel, our first target stop of the 13 miles of today.

At Manor House we took the wrong path, thanks to a missing sign, but soon realised our error and backtracked, and came across Ladies Window, a natural archway overlooking an inaccessible cove.

We made out way towards the castle at Tintagel and stopped for some tea before going uphill to pass the Church on the top of the headland and which can be seen for miles.
Our next target was Strand, a small bay with some surf shops and a tea shop where we planned to have a lunch stop. As we arrives it started raining so it was an ideal time to stop.

As we climbed out Strand the rain started in earnest and we had to put on full rain gear – on top of an exposed cliff with a strong wind – quite a challenge. The rain kept up for about a couple of hours , just as we had to go through the stretch with the most descents and ascents. The rain slowed us down and stopped the photography, as it was a case of head down and slogging away to reach Port Isaac, or Portwenn as it’s known in Doc Martin. We are staying at The Old School House Hotel which is the school in the TV series.

We got to our stop about 6.30 and. Spent a while sorting wet gear and boots before we went into the village for a meal with Esther, Adam, Jan and Peter who had joined us for the evening.

Near the end now, with Padstow the destination for tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “Boscastle to Port Isaac. Day 12

  1. hope the weather holds off for you and makes the last part of the walk smooth sailing!!!! lovely blog , great photos . you all look so well if not a little knackered!!! love bev and the gang in spain!

  2. Hi Guys, well it sounds like the weather was VERY unkind to you between Boscastle and Port Isaac so well done for keeping on track it must have been really hard going.but judging from the smiles at the dinner table you all coped well and will be ready for the next stretch! I spoke to Dave last night and understand he will be joining you to walk the last two days. I am picking Mary up from the airport this morning and then we are going to stay the night with Adam and Esther and look forward to joining you all tomorrow afternoon. Thanks so much for the blog Steve it really is great to keep in touch and know you are all well, looking out for each other and keeping safe. Bit worried about Fluff, is the evidence of his womanising being withheld?!!!
    Loved the picture of you and Fluff by the way, bit worried about Gareth though, he seems to be posing on cliff tops and precarious places a bit too often!!!
    Take care all of you and walk safely. See you soon. Love Linda xx

  3. You are nearly there! The blog has been fabulous – great photos. You are all amazing! X

  4. The pictures get better each day! Enjoy your last few days and well done mum, making the journey from the North.
    Take care and be safe love Jo, Matt and Emelia xxxxx

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