Westward Ho! to Clovelly. Day 8

After a good evening (and meal!) in Westward Ho! It was back to the ups and downs of the coastal path today with 11 miles to go to Clovelly.


The path initially follows the WH to Bideford railway before becoming a cliff top walk to Green Cliff and on to Westacott Cliff with sightings of Buck Mills and Clovelly in the distance.

At Westacott the path changes as it goes through Willow, Hawthorne and Hazeland continues as a wooded path until we reached Peppercombe Castle where we went briefly inland before returning to the cliffedge and made our way to Bucks Mill where we stopped for a fresh cup of Tea and some photos. Bucks Mill has a couple of substantial lime kilns from the days when Welsh limestone was brought in for processing.


After a brief rest we continued through woodlands before emerging into fields. We eventually joined The Hobby Drive. A road way built in Napoleonic prisoners and followed this through pheasant. Reeding grounds until we came to the visitor centre at the topof Clovelly. We descended via the. Cobbled street until we got to our evening stop the New Hall Inn then we checked in and made our way down for more phot opportunities in one of the country’s picturesque villages.

Tomorrow sees us move on to Hartland Quay before we have two long days over Sunday and Monday.





7 thoughts on “Westward Ho! to Clovelly. Day 8

  1. Wow Tommy hope those ribs were to share between the six of you!!! Well sounds like Day 8 went really good and you are now more than half way, although still lots of ups and downs! Hope the weather is good to you again today Day 9, it’s awful here in Sidmouth, we’ve had lots of thunder and lightning through the night and it’s still pouring with rain. Typical!! Its the carnival tonight.
    Hope you enjoy your couple of days with your support team joining you. Take care and walk safely all of you. Love Linda xx P.S. Bit concerned there are no pictures of Fluff, Gareth or Steve, Have they gone surfing with Thelma and the mermaid?!!!

  2. ‘Blinkin eck ‘Tommy – no need to worry whether you’re eating enough then???
    And is that you with a cup of coffee?? Don’t tell me that you found a pub with no beer. Anyway over half way now and on the downward track, well not literally.
    Clovelly looks a lovely place, very pretty. Hope you had a good look around and found all the nice little gift shops!!!??? The weather here has been glorious and still is (Sat.morning) Unusual for Manchester, to say the least. A shorter walk today but does that mean there’s lots of hills to climb? Take it easy all of you. Speak soon Lotsa love to all Mary xxx

  3. Just been looking at tonight’s Hotel at Hartland Quay. Wow – what views. Looks a great place for photos. Get the camera out Tommy. xxx

  4. Yes brilliant pictures and glad the weather is being kind to you. As last year I’m really enjoying reading the blog so keep up the good work and thanks. As Mary said we’ve had fab weather up t’north so hope sun shines for you today. Holmfirth has it’s annual Food and Drink Festival today and tomorrow so it’ll be packed! As Linda says keep safe and enjoy today. X

  5. Hi, guys congratulations on your achievement so far. We are enjoying your blog, especially the photos – you’ll have to hire a gallery at Sidmouth ! Hope you get this as you didn’t get the last one. Best wishes for this week – more cream teas and planning meetings needed. Love Carole and Tony

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