Braunton to Instow. Day 6

Today was a very straight forward route march. 13 miles mostly along the old Barnstaple to Ilfracombe Railway now part of the Tarka Trail and cycle route so dodging bikes became the sport of the day.

We started from Thelma’s B&B, The Laurels after breakfast and joined the path just outside the centre of Braunton. It was probably the least interesting day with highlights being the stop at the rail station at Barnstaple before we carried on along the old railway until we got to Instow which is a quaint little fishing village on the Taw estuary.

We met some locals at our B&B – and had long conversations with the undercover C.I.D-ask when we get back.



2 thoughts on “Braunton to Instow. Day 6

  1. Well looks like Fluff’s ‘pulled’ again!! What is it with him always being photographed with the ladies!! Well I hope you are not getting the same weather as us today (Day 7) it’s horrible here, wet, misty and miserable, not good at all. Thanks for the blog Steve, you’re doing a grand job it’s so good to be able to keep in touch.
    Take care, walk safely. Linda xx

  2. Hi there. Hope your day is going well onwards towards Westward Ho! Had trouble again earlier with the blog so am hoping this goes through. It’s another gorgeous day here in Manchester, unlike yesterday. Hope the sun is shining on you all as well. Glad to hear all the aches and pains are keeping at bay – so far so good eh!? Good result last night Tommy with the reds, hope you managed to catch match of the day. All the pictures are great and it looks like a really lovely scenic path. Take care. Speak soon. I agree with Linda BTW Fluff – see you’ve got another wife in the making!!!!! – wonder what Aurora will think of that?? Watch this space. xxx

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